Please visit
- Posted: 9:12 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
I am now posting from! Please stop by and say hi, there!

My video.... Yeah, it crashed!
- Posted: 7:27 PM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
Welp, last night, I recorded most of my Mamavation Mom Campaign 5 Application Video... I went to save it, and it basically froze!
I take that as a sign that it wasn't really THE one! So, I'll have to work on that again before this weekend!
Today, I did pretty good food wise, EXCEPT, I was so busy, I kinda had a brunch, rather than a breakfast or a lunch, which I know isn't GREAT, but I didn't really overdo it at dinner like I thought I would, either. I've had enough water to float a boat today, too, so that's good!
I spent the better part of the day at The Cloth Diaper Foundation office and in the warehouse preparing for this Cloth Diaper Sidewalk Sale we have going on Thursday. It's going to be a HUGE to-do, and I'm really looking forward to it!
That said, I did a lot of walking around, lifting, moving things here and there, sorting, etc. I kinda have to count that as my workout, because I'm kinda beat!
Now, I'm just chillin', catching up on emails, and listening to Cyndi Lauper Radio on Pandora!
Have a good one!
Mamavation Monday
- Posted: 5:56 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: mamavation monday
It was 1 year ago yesterday that I was admitted to the hospital due to rouge gallstones. I lived with severe gall bladder attacks for approximately 3.5 years, and it finally caught up to me. I went to the emergency room on a Thursday, June 10, 2009, because I literally felt as if I would die. Basically, they told me I had gall stones, loaded me up with Morphine, prescribed me with Percocet and Phenergan and sent me home. I was basically lifeless on Friday, and on Saturday, the 13th, Andy's sister (a nurse) persuaded me to go back to the ER. They found that I had a rather large gallstone lodged in my bile duct, and it was basically causing bile to back up and poison my body. On Monday, I had surgery to remove the stone, and on Tuesday, I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. Although I've never been a "small" person, for almost an entire year, I have eaten, eaten, and eaten more, using the excuse that I haven't been able to eat freely for almost 4 years. Easter 2010, I decided that enough was enough, and this is where our plight for health and weight loss began.
Ok that was my back story! Now, on to more current news.
We had a GREAT weekend with Andy's family, and Braxton had so much fun at his birthday party! We did the party at my Sister-in-law's house because they have one of those big blow up water slide/pool things. They had a blast, and it was just great to be around the family.
The good news is, I was able to get up on Saturday morning and walk 1.5 miles and jog .5 miles. On Sunday morning, I walked about 1.7 miles until the humidity was so thick, I decided that breathing was more important! (It's very hard to walk on streets that slant to clear out possible flood waters!)
It looks like we are just about 3 weeks out from moving into our new home. I'm so excited, and I've been extremely stressed over the logistics of the move that I just haven't been able to focus on myself the way I need to be.
I have approximately 20 package to get out by the end of this week, a TON of stuff to pack up in the house, and almost as much stuff to pack up to move The Cloth Diaper Foundation. To add to that, we are having a HUGE cloth diaper sidewalk sale at The Children's Carousel on Thursday, and I need to finish preparing for that.
Friday, Braxton and Kylie come hom from my mom's, and I'll need to get Kylie half way to San Antonio so that she can stay the week with my sister.
All of that said, I have decided NOT to weigh in today. I feel as if I've gained, and I'm not really sure I want the added stress of knowing if I have! I had my mom take my measurements yesterday, and although I didn't really like them, they are what they are! She's a professional seamstress, so these measurements are 100% accurate, and that is about 100% more accurate than if I would have taken them myself!
As of 6/13/2010
Bust - 49"
Ribs - 42"
Waist - 46"
Upper Hips - 51"
Lower Hips - 51"
Right Bicep - 17"
Left Bicep - 16"
Left Thigh - 30"
Left Calf - 18"
Right Thigh - 30"
Right Calf - 18"
I wish I'd have had her take these measurements at Easter when we started, but I just wasn't thinking, therefore, I will make this my official starting point! I have a LONG way to go! :)
Join us at Mamavation TV tonight for some inspiration from @MatthewTaub from Sensible FIttness in Toronto, Canada. Also, because @bookieboo will be taking the night off, our hostess will be @DanielleSmithTV, a retired broadcaster!
Our blogging carnival sponsor this week is Flatout Flatbread! I can't wait to try it! I'm going to try to go pick some up this week!
I am going to try to keep everyone updated on the events in my life this week!
Please Click Here and vote for Brandy A! She really needs the money to pay for her medical bills. You can vote once per day! Brandy, aka "Not So Average Mama" aka "@stitchblade" is in the process of making my blog look SUPER SPIFFY! :)
Oh, and FYI, I have officially decided to apply for Mamavation Mom.
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday, Brax!
- Posted: 5:07 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: braxton
Mamavation Monday
- Posted: 3:30 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: mamavation monday
1.dejected; dispirited; discouraged.
With all of the good news flooding my life at the moment, I should be walking in the clouds.... However, on the weightless home front, I am extremely perplexed!
We're eating healthy, we're trying to stay active and workout, we're slowly losing weight.. How in the world have I lost almost 20 lbs and not feel any change - physically?
Other than the fact that I can't seem to teeter over to the 20 lb mark (just hit 20, and it's my fault that it's not more), I really should FEEL better about what's going on.
On April 5, Andy and I embarked on a new, healthy living adventure with our family, and since then, we've done REALLY well. Friday marked exactly 2 months of our new lifestyle, and outwardly, we've kicked some bootay! I've lost 20 lbs, and Andy's lost about 15 lbs.
We have an EA Sports Active "More Workouts" for the Wii, and it is AWESOME! We love it. (By the way, someone who blogs about it and gets on camera tonight at Mamavation TV will win one tonight at 9 central!!!!)
So why is it that yesterday, when I ask Andy if he can FEEL the difference he's made, he can say yes..... and I totally can't?
I mean, really? I've lost the amount of weight that is the equivilant to 80 sticks of butter (4 sticks = 1 lb)... and I can't tell. One. Single. Bit. HE has only lost the equivalent of 60 sticks.
I'm still wearing the exact same clothes that I was wearing before Easter. I can't fit into the exact same clothes that I couldn't fit into before Easter, and when I purchased a few more Summer clothes the other day, they were the exact same size with the exact same awkward pudges and bulges that were present before we started the day after Easter.
I feel like my scale is lying and conspiring to bring me down - and not weight wise.
Picture this:

You run to the grocery store to grab some eggs. Next to the eggs, you see boxes containing sticks of butter. Perhaps, you might see blocks of butter wrapped up in wax paper in the shape of a cube instead. Either way, that block equals 1 lb. Now, imagine yourself taking 20 of those blocks of butter from the shelf and placing it in your hand held shopping basket (not cart). Carry that around the store while you run and grab a new toothbrush, then over to the bread section to get a loaf of bread. Now, walk back to the butter shelf, and take out all 20 blocks of butter and put it back on the shelf.
HUGE difference in your load right? Feels like a ton, right? So why can't I tell?
I know that there is a difference between losing 20 lbs in a matter of 10 seconds and losing it in a matter of 2 months. I also know that for an overweight person, 20 lbs really isn't that much. I also know that this is the weight I was before I was pregnant with Hawk, and I didn't feel like this!
This week, I am going to work on that teeter to get over 20lbs. I also want to see if the reason I haven't been able to tell a difference might be because I have been under an awful lot of stress, anxiety, and pressure. Therefore, over the next month, I'm going to ask around for and seek some suggestions to help relieve high stress and anxiety. I've had a problem with anxiety for as long as I can remember, and although I try to suppress it, it often gets the best of me. I have an extremely stressful month ahead of me, and I've been really uncomfortably anxious about it for some time now.
I am so thankful for my friends, family, Mamavation, and the Sistas who are so supportive and patient with me. I am trying to keep upbeat, and I appreciate everyone's help to get through this month with as little anxiety as possible!
Please forgive me if I am unable to comment on all of the Mamavation Monday posts today. I have a busy day ahead.
Have a fabulous week!

My Kinda Rain Giveaway: Tropical Traditions
- Posted: 8:34 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: giveaway, my kinda rain, tropical traditions
My super awesome friend who's like family has a really awesome, healthy giveaway on her blog this month! Lori aka @gutimom aka My Kinda Rain
Have you heard of Tropical Traditions? If you haven't, you should check them out! They have really great Virgin Coconut Oil from the Philippines, and they have SPECTACULAR sales!
For more information about what Lori is giving away, please visit her blog! She has instructions on how to enter to win your own jar!
My Kinda Rain: Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil
Tell her I sent ya! :)
Mamavation Monday
- Posted: 9:23 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: mamavation monday
Once again, I maintained! :) Nothing new to report on that home front! I'm happy about it, because I've done SO much this week and had party after party. I can't believe I haven't gained. ROCK ON! Andy has lost 15 lbs! So proud of him!
I got dressed up for a girl's night the other night with my gals! ----->
I was so proud to see my BFF, Mary, post that she's not dieting, she's undergoing a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I just wanted to say that I am SO proud of Mary and her dedication and accomplishments. It's not easy with a few health problems (if you don't know she fell straight back and hit her head on a tile floor a while back and her head hasn't been right since.. no jabs.. this is literally! hehe), and she's doing SO well! VERY happy for her!
I'm also excited that my other BFF, Roxy, has decided to join us at MAMAVATION! Please follow her @chobysauce! She doesn't have a heck of a lot of time to tweet because she's a CEO, full time student, mom, and foster mom, but I'm going to keep her pumped up about it, and she's going to do GREAT! I'm super happy for her as well!
As you all know, my new favorite place to shop is the Katy Fresh Produce Market. It's a new farmer's market in old Katy and it is THE BOMB DIGGITY! We're SOOOO going to overeat today, and most of what we are going to (over)eat is from the produce market. It's so great to go out and get locally grown produce. Now, if they'd just barter and trade, it would be awesome!
This week is Kinder graduation as well as 5th grade graduation for Brax and Kylie. After this week, I we will be preparing to move, homeschool, and adjusting to a FULL life changing experience that will go along with these great adventures!
OK I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day! It's a beautiful day here in Katy, Texas! Have a SPECTACULAR ONE!!!
Check it out!-
About Me-
- Lisa Johnston
- Join me as I challenge myself to lose 50 pounds by Christmas! In addition to my 50in8, I am committed to a more fun and healthier lifestyle for my whole family, so this should be fun!
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