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Mamavation Monday
- Posted: 8:30 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: mamavation monday
Good News! I'm down 8 lbs since Easter!
I'm also now SUPER stoked member of the Mamavation Sistahood! We're a virtual sorority committed to learning healthy living.
I'm also now SUPER stoked member of the Mamavation Sistahood! We're a virtual sorority committed to learning healthy living.
Before I get started on this Mamavation Monday post, I would like to invite EVERYONE to join us, tonight for this AWESOME twitter party with Oprah's personal trainer Bob Greene!
From Mamavation.com
AllWhites and Better'n Eggs have joined forces with Oprah’s personal trainer Bob Greene, inviting busy moms – who tend to count the calories – to a “Lean and Mean Protein” Twitter party on Monday, April 19 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. EST. Get your Tweetgrid ready with hashtag #allwhiteseggs, as brands AllWhites and Better’n Eggs and New York Times bestselling author of the Best Life Series, Bob Greene will share how packing your breakfast with the power of protein will get you into the best shape of your life.
NOTE: An AllWhites and Better’n Eggs customer service representative will also be in attendance during the Twitter party to answer any questions about egg whites and egg substitutes, as well as shell out (pun intended) some fabulous swag like…
• Free coupons of Better’n Eggs and AllWhites products
• Bob Greene books and fitness DVDs
• Blenders with fun smoothie recipes for the kiddos
• And the ultimate grand prize… a 30-minute phone consultation with Greene himself!
I really want to try out this awesome protein recipe! Carob Nut Banana Protein Smoothie
Party w/ Oprah's Bob Greene, talk PROTEIN & WIN SWAG MONDAY@7:30pm EST hosted by @bookieboo #allwhiteseggs, http://bit.ly/cU1Ier
Quick Funny Business
It was about 10:15 on Saturday morning, when it happened. There was nothing I could do but sit there and think, 'Oh come on, really? Here?'
Braxton's game started at about 9:45. Kylie's game wasn't until 12:40, so my plan was to go to the Farmer's Market at La Centerra between the games, have a picnic lunch out somewhere on the soccer fields, and just enjoy the day with the kiddos. Before we even left the house, the picnic had already been scrapped due to the heavy rains the night before, but as I checked Facebook on my phone, @guitmom had sent me a nice reminder about La Centerra, and I was looking forward to going.
After 'it' happened, I grabbed my phone from my pocket, and texted Andy. It read, "Oh gosh... My bra strap just broke! Gotta go get another one before the next game."
I haven't had the bra but about a month and worn it probably 2 times, but after the *pop* I CLEARLY remember two days earlier when I was trying to adjust the strap, while on, from behind, when I broke the little plastic adjustable slider that holds the strap together. 'Lovely,' I thought!
After the game, we trekked to Target, and it was quite possibly a blessing in disguise! They had a clearance rack of bras for under$3 and $5! I got a couple, and I also got a couple of @gutimom, so I made the great bra switcharoo, and we were on our way! (Andy also found the boys some Super Mario Brothers Tees, and Kylie got a new swimsuit.)
I didn't realize that the Farmer's Market closed at noon, so we missed that. We'll have to try to go next weekend.
We were looking for someone healthy to eat lunch, and I told Andy that I was surprised at how well this last two weeks of 'detox' went! I call it detox, because I've completely cut out the following foods/drinks: anything fried, sodas, refined sugars, chocolate, ice cream, anything fatty, and.... are you ready for this... COFFEE! That part, isn't a small feat, because I've used the caffeine from the coffee for so long to curb my migraines. So much that my mom had no idea that I was drinking approximately a pot of coffee a day! (@JustTracyB told me about a supplement that she is a rep for, that I'm going to have to try, soon!)
He said something that made me realize just what @bookieboo had in mind when she created Mamavation, "The reason it's been so easy for you, is because you've got that Mamavation group to keep you motivated." He was SO right, however, he went on to say, "It's not as easy for me, because I don't have that."
I felt really bad about it, at that point, I realized that no one else is going to be his motivation, but me. I have to be the one to step up and be his motivation - and I promise, I will.
Mamavation Monday
Last Week's Task Check:
(not accomplished) #1 Make time for ME. - I haven't had much time to make time for myself. Our Green Mama Benefit Fundraiser starts on Wednesday, and I have spent a LOT of time getting that up and running. Between that and soccer, I've not had much spare time that I'm not doing something with the fam. This week, I get to add Girl Scouts in to that Mix. I probably will not be able to get to this task until next week, however, I really need to so that I do not get discouraged!
(accomplished!) #2 Figure out the WATER situation. - Check! I figured it out! I got my new canteen from Avon (Liiv Botanicals), and it's 24 ounces. I like being able to drink out of it, because I can tightly close the lid so that little grubby fingers (and their grubby mouthes!) can't get into it! My goal is at least 6 of these canteens per day!
(accomplished with limitations) #3 Find a WORKOUT for me! - I have found something that I LOVE! My friend, Julie, told me to check out Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home. I love it. I found a workout on Youtube, and I liked it so much, I went out and bought her 3 mile DVD (and a pedometer!). I've switched it up and done the 1 mile, 2 miles, or 3 miles, depending on how my knee feels. Sadly, I don't think my shoes are cutting it, or I just need to strengthen. If I skip a day of working out, my knee is ok for the following day, but flares up again after working out. It keeps me pretty much off of my feet for a while. I need to figure that out. I may just need to work UP to the 3 miles, rather than trying to build Rome in one week. I told Andy last night that I WANT to keep working out, but I'm afraid that I'll do permanent damage to my knee. No, it's not a "sore" feeling. It went from extremely sharp pain when I put pressure on it, to swollen and very tight at the joints. Not sure!
I will persevere!
Last Week's Task Check:
(not accomplished) #1 Make time for ME. - I haven't had much time to make time for myself. Our Green Mama Benefit Fundraiser starts on Wednesday, and I have spent a LOT of time getting that up and running. Between that and soccer, I've not had much spare time that I'm not doing something with the fam. This week, I get to add Girl Scouts in to that Mix. I probably will not be able to get to this task until next week, however, I really need to so that I do not get discouraged!
(accomplished!) #2 Figure out the WATER situation. - Check! I figured it out! I got my new canteen from Avon (Liiv Botanicals), and it's 24 ounces. I like being able to drink out of it, because I can tightly close the lid so that little grubby fingers (and their grubby mouthes!) can't get into it! My goal is at least 6 of these canteens per day!
(accomplished with limitations) #3 Find a WORKOUT for me! - I have found something that I LOVE! My friend, Julie, told me to check out Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home. I love it. I found a workout on Youtube, and I liked it so much, I went out and bought her 3 mile DVD (and a pedometer!). I've switched it up and done the 1 mile, 2 miles, or 3 miles, depending on how my knee feels. Sadly, I don't think my shoes are cutting it, or I just need to strengthen. If I skip a day of working out, my knee is ok for the following day, but flares up again after working out. It keeps me pretty much off of my feet for a while. I need to figure that out. I may just need to work UP to the 3 miles, rather than trying to build Rome in one week. I told Andy last night that I WANT to keep working out, but I'm afraid that I'll do permanent damage to my knee. No, it's not a "sore" feeling. It went from extremely sharp pain when I put pressure on it, to swollen and very tight at the joints. Not sure!
I will persevere!
This Week's Task List:
#1 Don't forget me! Starting tonight, Brax has soccer practice, but I'm going to stay home to make some time for me and Bob Greene! :) Tuesday night is Kylie's soccer practice as well as Girl Scouts. Wednesday is EARTH DAY! We kick off our fundraiser, and I am also a CDF representative for the #GetRealDiapers Twitter party! Hopefully, Thursday and Friday are free! I would like to plan
#2 Keep the pace. I realize now that I don't have to kill myself, or my body, to be 'active'. Doing something, is better than doing nothing, and after years and years of doing nothing, my body just isn't ready for 3 solid miles of aerobic walking. Yes, I can do it, if I push myself to the brink and then some, but I'm ok with pushing myself to the brink, and then cooling down. I don't have to do the "and then some" to get fit - right now! After I've been doing this for a while and my joints are stronger, and ok with me pushing it, then I most certainly will. Until then, that third mile will probably be a "cool down" mile, rather than the "take it up to a jog" mile. I'm ok with that!
#3 Make a Menu. We've always been last minute meal makers! This weekend (starting Thursday), I'm going to work on making a menu, shopping for all of the ingredients ahead of time, and lay things out ahead of time so that I can be prepared each day, rather than stressing over what we've got to eat that's healthy. This pertains to the weekend, mainly, because we're all here for most meals.
Have a wonderful day!

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About Me-
- Lisa Johnston
- Join me as I challenge myself to lose 50 pounds by Christmas! In addition to my 50in8, I am committed to a more fun and healthier lifestyle for my whole family, so this should be fun!
3 people have left comments
Lori Carey said:
Menu planning not only helps you control your portions and what you are eating, it also saves you money!
Keep up the good work sista!
kia said:
Don't forget you this week! The bra story is pretty funny and a reminder to have those pretty, necessary things we as women need and can revel in with our beauty and effort. Plan your week and make your life easier in the long run with the menu planning. Good luck.
Posted on:April 19, 2010 at 4:22 PM
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