Mamavation Monday
- Posted: 5:46 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: brandy's battle, mamavation monday

A Random 18 Pound Bike
You've guessed it! I'm down 18 lbs since Easter!
(Andy has lost 14 lbs!)
First of all, I would like to throw out a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Kim and Rachel! These two Mamavation Moms have totally rocked the house with such life changing experiences. They have been such inspirations to me as well as many other mothers looking to change the way they live life in the name of health! We have followed their inspiring journeys for weeks, and it's time to wrap up their stretch as the Mamavation Moms. Join us on Mamavation TV tonight as they bid farewell to their current titles and move on to help mentor the Mamavation Moms of the future!
Also, another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Kia for being chosen as Sista of the Week! You go girl!! This mama is an absolutely amazing woman as well as a wealth of wonderful information and inspiration. So happy for ya, Kia!
How cool is it to have Subway sponsoring our Blogging Carnival this week? Join us at the Biggest Loser Finale Twitter Party sponsored by @Subwayfreshbuzz! You can win an interview with either Shay or Jared as well as other great prizes!
My water consumption has been better this week. I'm looking forward to chuggin' it today! It's not that it's hard for me, I just get so wrapped up in what I'm doing, that I forget!! I need a 15 minute automatic timer!
Andy and I were FINALLY able to start with the EA Sports Active this week! It kicked our tails! I told him last night.. "Dude... if what we did was the "easy" choice............... I sure hate to see the others!" Once we get used to doing it, it will get better, and the more advanced workouts won't seem so tough! Heck, hopefully the EASY workouts will get easier! :)
I'm not really sure if I'm going to be able to set many fitness goals this week. I'm going to TRY to start the 6 week challenge on the EA Sports Active. We have such a busy week with soccer winding down, school winding down, working all week, and packing to move to our new house (more on that later!). I guess my goal will just be to fit it in where I can. That's about the best I can promise myself right now.
There's a new Farmer's Market in Katy now! It's open 6 days a week, sans Tuesday. I am looking forward to heading out there sometime this week and picking up some fantabulous veggies! Check out what my BFF had to say about it yesterday! "hit up the new local Farmer's Market and bought 4 large Roma tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 4 peaches, a container of huge strawberries, 8 bananas, 2 jalepenos, 1 onion, cilanto, and garlic for only $8.00 !!!" We've been doing really well, food wise, and I'm excited to be able to shop at this great Market!
I'm totally sleep deprived from watching Lost for 4 and a half hours last night as well as an hour for Jimmy Kimmel! 6 years of Lost was an fun and amazing waste of time - and we loved every minute of it!

Check it out!-
About Me-
- Lisa Johnston
- Join me as I challenge myself to lose 50 pounds by Christmas! In addition to my 50in8, I am committed to a more fun and healthier lifestyle for my whole family, so this should be fun!
10 people have left comments
Karlabond said:
Congrats on losing a bike! LOL what a good way to put it in prospective. Just take this week one day at a time. You commented on my blog about logging food. If you are ever interested we can help each othere. I use Sparkpeople. It's hard to do and I hate it. Have a great week!
oh pretty bike!!! Rewards are sooo important! Good job girl!
kia said:
Great job on the 18 pounds!!! You have to feel great about that. Thanks for the congrats too. I love all you LOST fans, it seemed like you had a great time last night.
The Maniacal Matron - @MMScarlett said:
Congrats on the 18 pounds!!!! You are getting closer and closer!! Also - tell "Andy" congrats on his 14 :-)
Good luck with the 6 week challenge! I have heard that it's pretty butt kicking. I have never had the opportunity to try, so I have nothing to say about that!
Keep drinking water. It's what made me kick my icky soda habit!
MomMaven said:
Congrats on reaching 18lbs!! Sounds like you have a busy week...I know how that is. Do what you can, log 10,000 steps instead of working out. Good luck on the 6 week challenge, it is killer.
jamnsfld76 said:
Lol on losing a bike. haha
You are doing a phenomenal job, I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of you. Seriously. 18 lbs in so wonderful!! And I am beyond jealous of your farmers market, seriously, I wish ours was 6 days a week. But ours is open tomorrow, maybe I can get by there. :)
Love ya girl, and thanks for all your encouragement this week. Your the best!!
lorrie said:
congrats on the weightloss ive tried to get into seeing mamavation tv but i can never get it to work so i just do my post each week and post on others posts
Anonymous said:
Congrats on your weight loss. 18 lbs is amazing. I love EA Active but it truly does kick my butt! I'm glad you have done better on the water. I too find it very difficult to remember, but I am getting better.
Commentors on this Post-
UnknownPosted: May 24, 2010 at 6:47 AM
KarlabondPosted: May 24, 2010 at 7:26 AM
MOMMY-MOMOPosted: May 24, 2010 at 9:17 AM
kiaPosted: May 24, 2010 at 10:06 AM
The Maniacal Matron - @MMScarlettPosted: May 24, 2010 at 11:01 AM
TrishPosted: May 24, 2010 at 12:23 PM
MomMavenPosted: May 24, 2010 at 4:18 PM
jamnsfld76Posted: May 24, 2010 at 8:10 PM
lorriePosted: May 25, 2010 at 6:04 PM
AnonymousPosted: May 30, 2010 at 5:36 PM
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Unknown said:
amazing weight loss for you guys since Easter. Keep up the great work. Have a great week