Mamavation Monday
- Posted: 8:43 AM
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- Author: Lisa Johnston
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- Filed under: mamavation monday
I am super excited that I was voted Mamavation Sista of the Week! It is such an honor for others to feel that I'm a positive influence, supporter, and motivator! Read my Sista of the Week Bio here!
I am so thankful for the mamas and sistas of Mamavation, and I would love to give a special shout out thanks to EA Sports Active for sponsoring Sista of the Week! I'm can't wait to get my EA Sports Active More Workouts!
(I will go back to calling my tasks "goals" since no one seems to think that I'm setting goals by using the word task!)
Goal #1 for the Week
Work out with Andy!
Andy's lost 12 lbs, and this week (because of this LOVELY visiting friend that we all have been passing around since time began) I have been at a standstill on weightloss! I came home to Andy doing some workout from Netflix, and because of the wonderful info I've gained from my friends at Mamavation and the FABULOUS guest speakers we've had (especially the hottie we had last week *swoon* - HUSH Kim!), I was happy to tell him he was doing it wrong! Haha! Therefore, we are going to work out together! I'm going to start him with Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home!
Nutrition 101 with Dr. Renna
So, I don't know much about Dr. Renna, but I'm excited to share the big screen with her tonight on Mamavation TV! :) I've heard a lot about her, and I can't wait to hear what she has to say about nutrition! I hear that she knows anything and everything there is to know about helping families overcome obesity! If you're plan on coming tonight, don't forget to RSVP for a chance to win her book Growing Up Healthy the Next Generation Way!
Goal #2 for the Week
Up my water intake! Ok Kim, this is where you have to hold me accountable! I'm counting on you to help me with this! :) My canteen is 30 ounces, and I'm going to try to drink at least 4 per day this week. I can do this! (I had to change my number on this so that it made more sense - and I'd stop being lectured! I see that I have to be a VERY literal person in my MM posts! haha!)
AquaHydrate High Performance Sports Water
Check out this stuff! AquaHydrate, the first high-performance sports water, has a unique combination of ionic minerals and an alkaline pH in an ultra-pure water. When athletes drink AquaHydrate on a regular basis, they notice significant improvements in their focus, sports performance and ability to recover after intense workouts and competition. AquaHydrate is sponsoring this weeks Blogging Carnival, and some is going to win a case of this stuff tonight on Mamavation TV!
Goal #3 for the Week
Do better than just maintaining! I know... you don't have to tell me! Maintaining isn't a bad thing. Well, for me, I can do better. I know that the reason I maintained this week was because I gained 3 lbs of ugh last week, due to that pesky monthly visiting friend. She always messes up my flow of things around here! Now, I'm back to where I was at the beginning of last week. It really wasn't anything I did, or didn't do that was extra special, so I know that this week, I can kick it in the rear and get to town. I'm hoping that by upping my H2O intake, I'll be able to make some changes!Kylie's Poetry Cafe
Today, Hawk and I will be going to Kylie's Poetry Cafe at her school. She's so excited about it, but she's not really sure what it is! All I know is that she wants me to show up! We got up this morning and curled her hair. She looked so pretty! Sadly, by the time she walked outside in our wonderful humidity, most of the curls had loosened, so I'm sure by the time the Cafe gets here, it will be wavy or straight again! :)
The good news is, she'll be excited when Andy shows up with me! He told her he wasn't able to go, and he just told me that he was leaving work at noon to make it! :) She'll be ECSTATIC!
The kidlets have two more weeks of school, and they're out! I can't believe that Brax has almost finished his FIRST YEAR of school, and that Kylie will in JUNIOR HIGH! It just doesn't seem right.
Goal #4 for the Week
Encourage Andy! He informed me that he's lost 12 lbs! That's EXTREMELY exciting, and it's made me kick into complete competitive mode! He's just 2 behind me! I'm so happy that he's right there with me, but I always want to be 2-3 lbs ahead! Just sayin'! But yes, I will make it my goal, not only for this week but weeks/months/years to come, to encourage him to keep up his good work! After all, our overall goal here is to maintain a healthy FAMILY lifestyle! :)
I hope everyone has a wonderful and fulfilling day! I hope to see you (well you see me) on Mamavation TV tonight! I need to wax my eyebrows and fix my hair! I'll be sitting beside Kim, Rachel, Leah, Kia, and DR. RENNA - *gasp*!!! Yay!! :)
Check it out!-
About Me-
- Lisa Johnston
- Join me as I challenge myself to lose 50 pounds by Christmas! In addition to my 50in8, I am committed to a more fun and healthier lifestyle for my whole family, so this should be fun!
11 people have left comments
~Lori~ said:
YAY for Andys weight loss! You are doing great too! Keep pushing yourself. I know you can do this!
Judy Joyce said:
Congrats on Sista of the week! Wahoo!
Thank you so much for your beautiful comments on my post!
Together, we'll achieve our goals! Keep up the good work!
jamnsfld76 said:
Like I told Lori, you just have to get back on the saddle, and now that there is some friendly (or not so) competition with Andy things will surely get back to business. Congrats again on Sista of the Week!!
bookieboo said:
I am VERY proud to have you as the Sista of the Week! Can't wait to have you on the show too! XXOO
kia said:
See ya tonight. Watch your overzealousness, don't set yourself up for failure... it seems like you are aiming at 210 oz water/day with 7 canteens at 30 oz. each. go for 3 or 4 is that is the case.
I do love the competitive spirit between you and Andy. Just keep it supportive and fun so that you two can regard it as play instead of work.
Paige said:
Congrats again on being sista of the week!! And I am wishing you a successful week that will include less water weight! ;)
Stephen and Amanda O'Dair blog said:
Yeah for being such a great friend! weight lose is a great thing, but make surre you are not getting jelouse! KNow that you are doing great! and should be proud of yourself!
Daenel T. said:
Congrats on being nominated Sista of the Week! Way to go.
Working out with a partner is fun and having a bit of competition makes it even better, just keep it healthy. I'm so happy that you are encouraging your family to lead a healthier lifestyle ~ that is big!
Laurie said:
Congratulations Lisa! I think it's wonderful that you and Andy are doing this together and that you have that extra motivation. My hubby has been eating better with me too, and sometimes it's frustrating that he drops the weight faster than me. I try to remember that is not a race, but it is hard. *hugs* I hope you have a great week hun.
JustTracyB said:
Congrats on Sista of the Week! You really deserve it!
I missed Mamavation Tv last night. Did you learn lots from Dr. Renna?
Commentors on this Post-
Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance WomanPosted: May 10, 2010 at 10:43 AM
~Lori~Posted: May 10, 2010 at 10:44 AM
Judy JoycePosted: May 10, 2010 at 10:46 AM
jamnsfld76Posted: May 10, 2010 at 11:01 AM
bookiebooPosted: May 10, 2010 at 11:55 AM
kiaPosted: May 10, 2010 at 11:59 AM
PaigePosted: May 10, 2010 at 3:58 PM
Stephen and Amanda O'Dair blogPosted: May 10, 2010 at 4:19 PM
Daenel T.Posted: May 10, 2010 at 7:36 PM
LauriePosted: May 10, 2010 at 7:52 PM
JustTracyBPosted: May 11, 2010 at 1:27 PM
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Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said:
Congrats again!!!
Good luck working out with a partner it's always helpful when you are on the same page.